A Letter to My 16 Year-Old Self

Well…You made it. The goals you set for yourself are not all going to work out, you are actually going to develop new goals and so far you have accomplished the basic ones. You’re graduating university in less than four months, you’re a writer/journalist, you’ve been in love, and you live alone.Keep in mind that things will change, nothing is constant.  People will leave your life, and new ones will come in and turn your world upside down. Currently you have overcome any issues you had in high school, you are almost the person you wanted to be at sixteen.

“Our futures are unpredictable, and if we could gaze into them, we would know to avoid certain situations and relationships, which would allow us to sail smoothly for the duration of our short lives. But even at 16, you know this would be purposeless, as experience fosters growth. And I promise you’ll learn that lesson brutally throughout the following years.”  [Elite Daily]

You believe that relationships are not worth the time, falling in love is something that happens once and never again…In the past three years you have been through everything from a happiness high, to emotionally ruined, but you learned to pull through it. You might have hit some rough patches along the way, but until now you have risen through each and everyone of them.

What you think is really important is actually not! Surrounding yourself with friends that you don’t like just to have friends will change and many of them will not be part of your life anymore, but amazing new ones will enter and the good old ones will stick around through thick and thin. Remember to not take your family for granted, they know best and they are way ‘cooler’ than you think they are.

Appreciate the music you listen to because right now what is being done is just garbage.  Avril Lavigne is NOT YOUR IDOL! Yes, she is pretty and she seems cool, but no one is cooler, prettier or wiser than your mom. So give her your time, she’s not THAT old!

Work just a bit harder in school, you could’ve saved yourself a lot of trouble, and also don’t worry much about high school grades because at the end of the day your school doesn’t give a crap about you, they won’t fail you because all they want is to get rid of you and increase their capacity-and profit- for new naive kids.There is more to life than having fun and making people happy, you need to start doing what you want because in the end no one is going to re-pay you for your kindness, on the contrary they will take advantage of it and you will end up getting hurt.

“The next four years are not going to be easy, but they won’t be impossible either. Your mindset will help you overcome the unimaginable. Just remember to keep your heart and mind open and the rest will follow automatically. Start to give yourself a little more credit; you’re not half as bad as you may think you are.” [Elite Daily]

Also, you will never grow up…your body will grow older and you will become wiser, but at the end of the day your still the same person but you’ve learned to speak up.

I mean hey…if  Avril Lavigne isn’t growing up then neither will you!!

Same exact person she was in 2001, but blonder and she’s 29 not 17!

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